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These are the committees defined within California Conference of Directors of Environmental Health. Click the view members link or the committee name to see a list of committee members. If visible for a committee, click the More info to view additional information about the committee. If there are subcommittees, a list of subcommittees will be displayed. Click on the name of the subcommittee to view the members.
CCDEH Executive Committee
Provide leadership and guidance to the CCDEH professional organization.
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Community Environmental Health Committee
The Community Environmental Health Committee (CEHC) addresses a broad variety of issues, some of which do not fit neatly into a single environmental health program area. It includes recreational health, organized camps and many others.
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Emergency Response Committee
The Emergency Preparedness Committee serves the membership of CCDEH by providing policy-oriented direction related to disaster planning and emergency response procedures.
Food Safety Policy Committee
Coordinates statewide implementation of all food programs, including new legislation. The committee consists of several Technical Advisory Committees (TAC) charged with specific tasks. The TACs include Bay Area, Central Valley, Northern California and Southern California.
Haz Mat Committee
The hazmat committee works to address Certified Unified Program Agency (CUPA) program related issues, including providing input on pending legislation and coordinates closely with the California CUPA Forum Board on several issues that impact the implementation of this program and other emerging trends at local level.
Information Technology Committee
The Information Technology/Data Management Committee, or IT Committee, works to address information technology and database management systems issues, including providing input on pending IT related legislation or supporting the IT needs of new legislation.
Professional Development Committee
Responsible for the development of Outreach and Professional Development, such as training and other educational opportunities in support of the Environmental Health profession.
Solid Waste and Resource Recovery Committee
THE SWPC works across all solid waste programs such as Local Enforcement Agency for Solid Waste, Waste Tires and other related programs. SWPC works closely with CalRecycle, EAC, TAC, Roundtable, Advisory Group, CDPH and other stakeholders.
Water and Land Policy Committee
The Water and Land Policy Committee addresses a broad variety of policy issues in the area of drinking water, wastewater, and land use processes.
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CAEHA Board Members
The CAEHA Board provides leadership for CAEHA. CAEHA is a 501(c)(4). For more information go to
Regular Directors Only
Committee for the Regular Director's Forum.